士揃ヱ[Ver.2] 終了間近! “目録④”

残り10セット程で、士揃ヱ [Ver.2] の生産を終了します!
【士揃ヱ/SAMURAI ZOROYE】は、3点のアイテムからなるセットアップ製品で、初めて着る方や外国の方まで、誰もが簡単に着こなせるように工夫しています。 中でも、袴には特注の芯材を使用しております。 この度、その特注芯材の在庫残数が10枚を切り、色柄・サイズに関わらず 士揃ヱ [Ver.2] の製作可能総数が10セット程度となって、生産終了が間近に迫りましたので お知らせします。 ご注文は お早めに!
With about 10 sets left, production of Samurai Zoroye [Ver. 2] will end!
SAMURAI ZOROYE is a three-piece set up product designed to make it easy for everyone, including first-timers and foreigners. Among other things, Hakama uses the custom interlining plates. We are pleased to inform you that the remaining stock of the custom interlining plates is less than 10, and the total number of Samurai Zoroye [Ver. 2] that can be made regardless of color pattern or size is about 10 sets, and the end of production is approaching. Please hurry to order!
2種ツイルの3色使い 士揃ヱ
エンジ色と黒の片身替えの胴着と グレーの袴との、3色使いコーディネート。上下はツイル素材で 表情に統一感があるが、厚みは異なる。
そして、胴着との統一感がある表情を見せるグレーの和士袴も、同じくツイル素材ですが、袴向きに、胴着のツイルより若干肉厚にしています。同一の素材のように見えながら、身体の部位ごとの機能に合わせて、生地の品質を調整しました。こちらも、ウォッシャブルでイージーケア。洗練された艶と軽さに加え、ハリがあり 発色の良い上質なポリエステル。裾を絞り括る追加機能の「出立括り」では、ヒダが より際立ち 力強さが加わります。シワになりにくくて、便利。
斬新な魅力を放つ この組み合わせですが、どの色も深い色で、素材的な統一感もあるので、見た目のアグレッシブさの根底には安定的な品の良さがあります。宴の遊び着にも丁度良いでしょう。
また、襦袢を着なくても ご覧の着姿が完成するように、胴着には着脱可能な付け衿が付属されていて、コーディネートの楽しみが多いのも【士揃ヱ】の特徴。幾何柄の付け衿に加え、脇にちらりと覗く帯には、滴や紋織・白×黒の単ヱ帯を合わせて、モダンに纏めました。
This is a combination of deep red & black Dougi (left and right are different colors) and gray Hakama in 3 colors coordination. The top and bottom are made of twill material and the texture is uniform, but the thickness is different.
The deep red and black Dougi‘s contrast is striking. The firm texture creates a beautiful silhouette. The black and red versions of Dougi are the most popular in our shop and are a staple of the [Samurai Zoroye]. It is a flexible twill that does not wrinkle easily, so it is easy to handle when washing.
The gray Hakama, which has Dougi‘s texture and unifying look, is also made of twill, but for Hakama, it’s slightly thicker than Dougi‘s twill. The thickness of the fabric was adjusted according to the function of each part of the body, although it looked like the same material. This is also washable and easy care. In addition to the refined lustrous lightness, it is a high quality polyester with a firm color. In the “Ninja style”, an additional function to tighten the hem, the pleats are more prominent and powerful. It doesn’t wrinkle easily and is convenient.
It’s a novel combination, but with deep colors and a unified texture, it’s a sense of security and class that underlies its aggressiveness. It would be perfect for hobbies and parties.
In addition, to make it easy to wear, Dougi comes with a removable inner collar, which is a feature of [Samurai Zoroye] that you can enjoy a lot of coordination. The geometric pattern inner collar and the white and black Obi of Shizukuya’s crest weave pattern, which can be seen slightly on the side, created a modern look.
No. | : | SOA1122-1161-1111 |
Material | : | 〈和士袴〉ポリエステル 100% 〈不揃胴着〉ポリエステル 100% 〈単ヱ帯〉ポリエステル 100% |
Size | : | 〈和士袴〉M,L,2L |
Price | : | 88000 |
L/T | : | (予定納期)10-14日 |