サムライ オートクチュール・一般受注期間!
Samurai Haute Couture / General Order Period!
このコーディネートの中で、風土ローブが既に完売しています。 他にも幾つかのコレクション・アイテムが、完売となってます。 お目当てのアイテムがある方は、お早めに‼︎ 一般受注期間は、ONLINE SHOPからも ご注文いただけます。 現品は、京都店の受注展示会で ご確認ください。
Among this outfit, the Hoodrobe is already sold out. Several other collection items are sold out. If you have an item you are looking for, don’t miss it!! During the ︎ General order period, you can also order from ONLINE SHOP. Please check this item at the Kyoto shop’s order reception exhibition.
フードの際から裾までの白いラインで 上下にズバッと斬り裂いた図柄の黒い風土ローブ。縞柄地紋のメッシュでの仕立て。
このアイテムにおいても、手描き捺染の可能性を探究してみました。 フード部分の峰とも言える縫い目の上をなぞりながら、フードと衿、衿と身頃の縫い目を越えて、背の中央を裾まで伸びる白いラインは、その真ん中に赤線を内包しています。このラインは、真っ直ぐではなくて、微妙な斜めに。 いかにも手描き捺染と言った味わいが、現れていますね。 しかし、手描き捺染の探究の第1目標は、このテクニックのことではありません。 手描き捺染が、メッシュやレースに対して、どの程度まで施せるのか?という探究だったのです。 結果は、ご覧の通り。併せて、考えて頂きたいのは、プリントされたレース等の生地を、世間では どれくらい目にすることがあるのか?ということです。 職人の技に感謝。
A black Hoodrobe that looks like it has been slashed up and down with a white line from the hood to the hem. It is made of striped ground pattern mesh.
In this item, we also explored the possibility of hand-painted printing. A white line extending from the hood through the collar to the hem in the middle of the back contains a red line in the middle. This white line is Hand-painted printing. It runs over the seams of the top of the hood and goes over the seams of the hood and collar, and the seams of the collar and body. Moreover, the line is not straight, but slightly oblique. This is a technique that can only be done with hand-painted printing. But these are not the biggest challenges. The biggest challenge is whether Hand-painted printing can be applied to mesh and lace. The results are as you can see. At the same time, I would like you to consider how many printed laces and other fabrics there are in the world. That is to say. I want to thank the craftsman’s skill.
The canvas material for this painting is has a smooth luster. The striped mesh on the outer fabric and the plain mesh on the lining are combined to create excellent breathability and sufficient transparency. The silhouette from the shoulder to the sleeve of Kosode, which is worn on the inside, shows through, giving you a sense of aesthetic, and will be useful for parties. It is a double layer of see-through material, but it is extremely lightweight and does not wrinkle easy, so it does not get in the way when you take it off and fold it. The transparent feel inside the hood and sleeves is beautiful, and the movement of the wind and shadows affect each part, such as the hem and sleeves that sway in the wind, and the placket collar and cuffs that change the impression by folding. It’s a fantastic Hoodrobe.
No. | : | UUA0005 |
Material | : | 〈表〉ポリエステル 100% 〈裏〉ポリエステル 100% |
Size | : | 一二五(フリー) |
Price | : | 82500 |
Limited | : | Sold out |
No. | : | IIA0954 |
Material | : | 綿 100% |
Size | : | 八九(35),九五(37),九九(39) |
Price | : | 49500 |
L/T | : | (予定納期)10-14日 |
Limited | : | 3点 |
No. | : | ROA0273 |
Material | : | 〈表〉ナイロン 100% 〈袖裏〉綿 65%,ポリエステル 35% |
Size | : | 七三(L) |
Price | : | 51700 |
L/T | : | (予定納期)10-14日 |
Limited | : | 1点 |