形状記憶素材により立体感がある着姿を実現した和慈羽袖。織り方の違いから生まれる ヘキサゴン柄の細かな膨らみ。
和慈羽袖は、多くの方々から どのような構造なのか?と不思議がられます。大きな羽の様な袖を持つプレーンな羽織の状態から、袖のボタンを外し 肩に回し掛けることで、美しいドレープと変幻自在な着こなしが楽しめる当店独自の特許製品です。この自由な着こなしに、生地のハリや、しなやかさとの相乗効果で、ゆったりとした膨らみが生まれ、躍動感も感じられます。平面的になりがちの和装には有り難いアイテムです。
この黒い羽袖は、織り方の違いで作られた柄がヘキサゴンで、僅かな光沢感の差異の集合が表出し、ボコボコと細かな凹凸を見せるテクスチャー。その表情は、鋼を金槌で叩いて鍛えた刃物の槌目模様を連想させます。いかにも形状記憶素材らしく、その風合いは、ハリがあり 軽くて、シワが残りません。身体と羽袖の間に空間を確保するので、着ることで立体感が。肩に見られる突起のように、回し掛けた袖を立たせておくことも出来て、躍動感すら演出してくれるのです。総裏だが、黒い極薄裏地は軽く、表地の残像感を一切邪魔しません。
羽袖単体でも、底知れない迫力を漂わせてくれるが、共生地の袴(FSAC21-03)と合わせて 袖のアレンジを変えれば、スーツ的なフォーマルな着回しも出来て、多彩な和慈羽袖です。
The Wazi-Hasode is made of a shape-memory material for a three-dimensional look. The hexagon pattern, which is created by the difference in weaving, also creates a fine bulge on the surface.
How is Wazi-Hasode structured? Many people wonder why. This is our shop original patented product that allows you to enjoy beautiful drapes and variable styles by unbuttoning the sleeves and hanging them on the shoulders from the basic Haori condition with large winglike sleeves. The firmness and flexibility of the fabric add to this free style to create a loose three-dimensional feel. This is an outer wear that will not bore you when you wear Japanese clothes that tend to be flat.
This black Wazi-Hasode has a hexagon pattern made by different weaving methods, and a texture that shows fine unevenness by a set of slight luster differences. Its expression is reminiscent of the tsuchime pattern of a Japanese sword forged by hammering steel. As a characteristic of the shape memory material, the texture is firm and light, and wrinkles are not left. It creates a space between your body and Wazi-Hasode, so you can wear it for a more three-dimensional look. The protrusions seen on the shoulders are a dynamic look, and the sleeves hung on the shoulders are standing up. It is fully lined, but the black ultra-thin lining is light and does not interfere with the shape memory of the outer fabric.
Wazi-Hasode alone has a tremendous impact, but if you change the sleeve arrangement to match with Hakama (FSAC 21-03), you can wear it in a formal style like a suit and enjoy it in various ways.
The accessory that fastens the front collar is Kaname-dama [hook] which is made with astringent metal and gradation beads. This has a masterfully controlled charm.
No. | : | HAA0069 |
Material | : | 〈表〉ポリエステル 100% 〈裏〉ポリエステル 100% |
Size | : | 百(フリー) |
Price | : | 88000 |
L/T | : | (予定納期)7-10日 |
Limited | : | 1点 |
No. | : | RUB0015 |
Material | : | メタル,樹脂 他 |
Price | : | 6600 |