黒漆のように樹脂コーティングを施したデニムの黒袴と、赤朽葉色のウール混素材にアニマル柄をかすれプリントした小袖との 野性的なコーディネート。
迫力満点の黒い袴は、樹脂コーティングを施したデニムで仕立てています。底光りのような鈍く力強い光沢から目が離せません。デニムなので、軽いとは言えませんが、実用的な厚手の綿織物の風合いが、ヒダを切り立たせ シルエットに勇ましさを宿らせています。穿けば穿くほど味の出てくる丈夫さと、妖しさすら感じさせる艶の足し算。実に 男らしい袴です。
特許技術を盛り込んだ小袖は、すっきりとしたシルエットに加え、細部の装飾へも こだわっています。隠しポケットが仕込まれ、袖口や共衿先は 同素材の青磁色の生地で装飾し、緻密に組み立てています。柔らかな質感も相まって、軽快な仕上がりです。
上下とも、気負うことなく自然に着こなせ、ユーズド感も楽しめるので、育て甲斐があります。何より、ぷんぷんと男らしさが 匂うコーディネートなのです。
A wild coordination between Hakama, a black denim with a resin coating like lacquer, and Kosode, a pale-mahogany wool blend with an animal print.
The impressive black Hakama is made of resin coated denim. You can’t take your eyes off the dull and powerful luster. Since it is denim, it cannot be said to be light, but the texture of practical thick cotton fabric makes the folds look sharp and creates a brave silhouette. It is a combination of sturdiness that becomes more tasteful as you wear it, and gloss that makes you feel mysterious. It is a manly Hakama.
On the other hand, Kosode in the color of pale-mahogany has a dry color like dust. The scrawled animal pattern is printed on it to bring out a dry atmosphere. The texture of the wool blend is wrinkle-free and has a natural softness. The drape with beautiful shadows is also created, and it is gentle and comfortable to wear. Kosode, which incorporates patented technology, has a sharp silhouette and is particular about the details of decoration. With hidden pockets, cuffs and collars are decorated with the same material another color of celadon and are finely assembled. Combined with the soft texture, it has a light finish.
Both the top and bottom can be worn casually and naturally, and you can enjoy the used feel. More than anything, it is a coordination that gives a sense of masculinity.
No. | : | IIA0954 |
Material | : | 綿 100% |
Size | : | 八九(35),九五(37),九九(39) |
Price | : | 49500 |
L/T | : | (予定納期)10-14日 |
Limited | : | 3点 |
No. | : | ROA0317 |
Material | : | ポリエステル 65%, 毛 35% |
Size | : | 七〇(M),七三(L) |
Price | : | 46200 |
L/T | : | (予定納期)10-14日 |
Limited | : | 2点 |