シャンタン素材で深緑と濃紺の片身替えに仕立てた小袖と、ヘキサゴン紋様に織り上げた形状記憶素材の袴との 気品漂うコーディネート。
小袖は、機能性を追求した特許製品で、補正の要らない設計となっています。裾のカットやポケット、すっきりとしたシルエットも特徴です。袖口や共衿先には、片身替えの反対色を用いたキレのある装飾を施し、堂々たる迫力ながらも 軽快さが随所に。
この片身替えの小袖は、緯糸の方向に紬風の長い節が表れるシャンタン素材で、微かな光沢を漂わせ 表情に野趣があります。しかも、裏サテンに織られているので、袖通しも滑らかで、心地良い肌触り。発色の良い素材を、インパクトのある片身替え仕立てですが、共に落ち着いた色目で、趣きのある風合いとも相まって、黙々と高潔さを漂わせるような小袖に仕上がっています。この気品に加え、扱いやすさを兼ね備えているのも嬉しいですね。
一方、形状記憶素材の黒い袴は、FSAC21-02 の和慈羽袖と同素材。可動性を求められる袴には、ハリがあり 軽くて、シワが残らない形状記憶素材はもってこいです。型崩れのない扱いやすさと 美しいシルエットの安定性では、最適と言えます。織り方のグラデーションを効かせて繋がるヘキサゴンの柄ゆきは、鍛えられた刃物の槌目模様を連想させ、底知れない迫力を帯びた雰囲気。同素材の和慈羽袖との組み合わせともなれば、圧倒的であることは言うまでもありません。
An elegant coordination with Kosode, which is made of Shantung fabric and has deep green and dark blue on the left and right, and Hakama, which is made of shape-memory material woven in a hexagon pattern.
Kosode is a patented product that pursues functionality. Dressing is simple. The cut of the hem, pockets, and sharp silhouette are also features. The cuffs and collar are decorated with sharp decorations made of different colors of outer fabric, giving it an impact feel and light finish.
This Kosode, which has different colors on the left and right, is made of shantung fabric with a pongee style long knot that appears in the direction of the weft yarn. It has a slightly lustrous look with a wild look. Moreover, since it is woven underside satin, the sleeves are smooth and comfortable to the touch. This item is made of a material with a good color, and is made in different colors with a strong impact. However, both of the colors are calm, and combined with the elegant texture, it has been made into a Kosode that gently brings out elegance. In addition to this elegance, it is also easy to handle.
Meanwhile, the black shape memory material Hakama is the same material as the FSAC21-02’s Wazi-hasode. For Hakama that requires mobility, a shape-memory material that is firm, light and wrinkle-free is perfect. It can be said that it is the best for ease of handling without losing shape and stability of beautiful silhouette. The connected pattern of hexagon, which is made by gradation of weaving, is reminiscent of the hammered pattern of a Japanese sword made by hammering steel, and has a mysterious power. It goes without saying that the combination with the same material, Wazi-hasode, is overwhelming.
Both Hakama and Kosode are characterized by their impressive and elegant texture and calm colors, and their coordination is quiet but full of elegance.
No. | : | IIA0957 |
Material | : | ポリエステル 100% |
Size | : | 八九(35),九五(37),九九(39) |
Price | : | 55000 |
L/T | : | (予定納期)10-14日 |
Limited | : | 2点 |
No. | : | ROA0320 |
Material | : | ポリエステル 100% |
Size | : | 七〇(M),七三(L),七七(2L) |
Price | : | 44000 |
L/T | : | (予定納期)10-14日 |
Limited | : | 2点 |