
《HAKAMA-SHIKI/袴式和服》 V&A博物館へ!
〈和次元 滴や〉のコレクション『FOUR SEASONS ~滴や 装い拓き~』で発表のコーディネートが、ロンドンの V&A博物館に展示収蔵されることになりました。
In V&A Museum of London, the coordinates that our store announced are displayed and are stored up.
ヴィクトリア・アンド・アルバート博物館(略称 V&A)は、現代美術や各国の古美術、工芸、デザインなど多岐にわたる400万点の膨大なコレクションを中心にしたイギリスの国立博物館です。 15年目の良い記念となる出来事を、とても光栄に感じております。
詳細につきましては、こちらからも 順次発表してまいりたいと思います。
今後の情報公開に ご期待ください!
店主 宗裕
<Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk>
Supported by GRoW @ Annenberg
29 February – 21 June 2020
Tickets on sale Winter 2019
The ultimate symbol of Japan, the kimono is often perceived as traditional, timeless and unchanging. Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk will counter this conception, by presenting the garment as a dynamic and constantly evolving icon of fashion. The exhibition will reveal the sartorial, aesthetic and social significance of the kimono from the 1660s to the present day, both in Japan and in the rest of the world. Rare 17th and 18th century kimono – shown for the first time in the UK – will be displayed, along with early examples of cross-cultural clothing, kimono-inspired couture, film and performance costumes, and the work of the new generation of Japanese kimono designers. Paintings, prints, film and dress accessories will provide additional context to examine the style and seduction of these remarkable garments. Exploring creativity and consumption, status and identity, impact and influence, Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk places the kimono at the heart of a fascinating story of global fashion exchange.